Posts tagged IT Ops

5 min IT Ops

Node.js as a Proxy to

Logging from the client side of a web application can seem like a challenge.  The web browser exposes everything to the user.  There is no way to hide anything delivered to the client from prying eyes, including your log token to your Logentries [] log.  There is no relia

4 min IT Ops

Goodbye to the VCR: Rewinding Down Memory Lane

The VHS tape was a thing of a magic that is alien in the world of on-demand media.  It represented a promise of entertainment. A promise only realized when loading the tape into the player and pressing the play button. There was an air of excitement around every video, and you could never be entirely certain about what the video contained. I was reminded of the mystique of the VCR just this month when I read about its final demise.  Funai Electric, the last major manufacturer of VCR players,

3 min IT Ops

Widely-used Android App Leaks MS Exchange Credentials

In October, Rapid7 researchers [] uncovered a significant vulnerability in the Nine mobile application [] for Android. Baldly stated, this app leaks Microsoft Exchange user credentials, plus mail envelopes and attachments, mailbox synchronization data, caleandar entries and tasks to attac

4 min IT Ops

Overview of 'online' algorithm using Standard Deviation example

Here at Logentries [] we are constantly adding to the options for analysing log generated data. The query language ‘LEQL’ [] has a number of statistical functions and a recent addition has been the new Standard

5 min IT Ops

Logging OwnTracks to Logentries

A previous blog [/2016/10/07/logging-mosquitto-server-logs-from-raspberry-pi-to-logentries/] showed how MQTT logs can be sent to Logentries for storage, analysis and how those logs can be to alert on potential MQTT security threats, as well as to store and visualize sensor data. This blog follows that by showing how to build a fully connected IoT system composed of the OwnTracks iOS app as an MQTT publisher, a Raspberry Pi with Mosquitto embedded as an MQTT messaging broker and Logentries as

5 min IT Ops

Logging Mosquitto Server logs (from Raspberry Pi) to Logentries

The Internet is evolving and part of this is the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). IoT allows us to use the Internet to seamlessly connect the cyberspace and real world using physical sensors at huge scale, allowing us to gather and analyze the data across many domains. It is estimated that there will be 20 billion Things connected to the Internet by 2020, generating an enormous amount of data. A previous blog post [/2016/05/17/raspberry-pi-logs-and-iot-sending-pi-log-and-sensor-data-to-loge

5 min IT Ops

Moving away from MVC

In of all my years as a software engineer, trying new libraries, frameworks and paradigms has been such a pleasure especially in web development. Even before the well known javascript libraries, web development was based on backend apps which render heavy html code within css and some js code. Frameworks such as spring, .NET MVC, django and rails helped us with abstractions and predone tasks increasing development speed and quality (reuse principles). But, it was not enough. Apps were getting

5 min IT Ops

Get your work done even faster with the Logentries REST API

Now you can get your work done even faster by automating tasks with the Logentries REST API. With the ability to programmatically query data, manage users, create alerts and integrate third party tools, it’s now easier to finish the job and get on with your day. Table of contents * Query API- Example Usage * Team and User Management API- Example Usage * Tags and Alerts API- Example Usage * LeExportPy- Read More * LeCLI- Read More On-demand Webinar Interested in learning more about the

5 min IT Ops

Hashing Infrastructures

Engineers in fast moving, medium to large scale infrastructures in the cloud are often faced with the challenge of bringing up systems in a repeatable, fast and scalable way. There are currently tools which aid engineers in accomplishing this task e.g. Convection, Terraform, Saltstack, Chef, Ansible, Docker. Once the system is brought up there is a maintenance challenge of continually deploying and destroying the resources. What if we can hash the inputs for describing an infrastructure, where

3 min IT Ops

4 Potential Security Issues Raised By Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a phenomenon. The game is objectively a success and has been breaking mobile gaming records almost weekly. The game’s current success is without being open in some significant markets and it shows no signs of slowing. It is important to remind players to take measures to protect your company’s interests when playing. Pokémon Go is an Augmented Reality game. Players see the game’s fictional world on top of everyday reality. Augmented Reality manifests in several ways: from import

1 min IT Ops

Integrating Logentries with OpsGenie: 3 Easy Steps

Real-time alerts [] are only as good as their ability to successfully reach their intended audience. If an alert recipient only checks email once every several hours, email alerts would not be well suited for real-time notification. It’s for this reason that Logentries makes it easy to integrate with popular 3rd party tools that DevOps professionals are already using, including Slack [

4 min IT Ops

Exporting Logentries data with Leexportpy

Leexportpy, the Logentries utility that exports your log data to 3rd parties, has built-in support for various services such as Kafka, Geckoboard and Hosted Graphite. Without any modification to the current code, you can use these services to extract your Logentries data. To begin, make sure your read-write or read-only API key is correctly placed in the LE section of your configuration file as shown below. Also make sure you have read the first blog post of this series. [/2016/07/introductio

7 min IT Ops

What exactly is an Event-loop?

“The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity” – C.A.R Hoare Rather than doing another all-out performance post, I’ll look at some aspects of asynchronous I/O today instead: what it is at a high level, what it isn’t and why you would use it. There aren’t many aspects of programming today that are as saturated with buzzwords and misinformation as asynchronous IO and some of the frameworks which build on top of this. If you work with server code which has to handle a nontri

10 min IT Ops

Introduction to the Logentries Command Line Interface

The Logentries Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to both manage and use your Logentries service right from the command line. The CLI is built on the Logentries REST APIs [] and provides a tool to interact directly with the Logentries service outside of the UI. It is in beta and currently supports retrieving log events, and performing queries and calculations on log events using our powerful querying language LEQL [

4 min IT Ops

Using Logentries With Angular v1.5

The post assumes at least a basic knowledge of Angular.  Angular is a very opinionated framework so make sure you have some experience with Angular before following the instructions presented below. Logentries can integrate into whatever Javascript framework you want to use.  Previously, we examined adding Logentries to a React application [/2016/05/integrating-the-logentries-javascript-library-with-react/].  This post will illustrate how to add Logentries to your Angular v1 application using